We were asked by Nomad Clan to run the Pop Up Gallery at last months Uprising Festival in Rochdale and of course we jumped at the chance. Setting up shop in the old Butterworth brothers jewellers on Drake St we were in prime position to watch the festival unfold.
Some of the below photographs have been featured on our Instagram / Facebook accounts but a lot haven't so I'm hoping you will enjoy taking a look back at what was an exciting week!
Saturday the 17th of August and early wall prep for Nomad Clan.
Tuesday The 20th of August and more of the artists start to arrive, Tank Petrol, Mr Tea One and Philth all make a start to their walls.
Wednesday The 21th of August Tank Petrol, Mr Tea One, Philth and Nomad Clan are all on their walls.
Thursday The 22nd and rain delays play. Only small progress made on each of the murals today. Lei Mai starts work on her wall and the Northern Monk / Uprising beer arrives to lighten the mood!!
Friday The 23rd of August and The London Police get cracking. The rain stopped pouring to everyone's enjoyment and Curtis Hylton and Mr Penfold start painting.
Saturday The 24th of August and most artists are well under way, The Urban Artistry Paint Jam is in full swing (Pics from this will be in the next post), along with the screen printing workshop and everyone is looking forward to Overdrawn at the Baum this evening.
Sunday The 25th and were back in full swing, Nomad Clan are back on the wall after access issues and Philth now has a functioning lift. Full steam ahead!!
Monday The 26th and the walls are all coming together. Only a few left to finish.
We headed back the week after to get a few shots of some of the pieces, the weather was horrible but we did our best!!